For our third gala fundraising event, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary with a Gala event that includes a silent auction. We have chosen a few items that resonate with our mission, including travel to Mexico and unique Mexican musical instruments, art, crafts, books, and more.
For those of you unable to attend or wishing to bid early, you can place your bids on auctin items through BiddingOwl. Click on the green button to see the items on the auction. Gala atendees will have the advantange of a final bid. If you win the bid, we will mail the items you won to you.
Sones de Mexico Ensemble is gretting ready to launch into the next quarter century, and they need you support. If you wish to donate an item for our auction or if you have any questions, please contact our director Juan Dies at (773) 728-1164 or write to
Sones de México Ensemble is a not-for-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. All donations above the retail value of the items received in exchange are tax deductible to the extent provided under U.S. tax law.
1852 W. 19th St.
Chicago , 60608
Thank you for your support!