Welcome to Peck Elementary PTA's
Take a look around and pick a few items you want to bid on.
Sign up as a bidder (top right of page), entering your name and email contact info, and phone number (for texts when you've been outbid). If you have an account from last year you're all set for this year!
We encourage all bidders to sign up prior to the auction starting to ensure that you are ready to bid once the auction is open.
The website is COMPLETELY secure!
Our auction is open for 2 days prior to our actual Carnival event:
NEW Items May be added up until 5 PM Friday, if donors bring them to us the week of auction. Please be sure to check back after you start bidding Weds in case there are new items you want to bid on!
* * * Peck friends and family can bid from their own home if you can't make it to the Carnival, or you can bid from your phone while you're playing Carnival games with your kids and not have to worry about leaving them to go check on your items in the library to see if you're the highest bidder. We will still display the items in the library though! * * *
From home: (and pre-Carnival bidding) Browse items by clicking on the green drop down at the top left "VIEW ALL ITEMS", to see more information click on the specific item you like. Then place a bid following the bid increment rules posted on each item. (Make sure you select to be notified on your mobile device incase you're outbid).
Night of Carnival in person bidding: Walk around and look at auction items displayed in the library. Use your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the bid sheet by your prefered item. Most phones will allow you to scan the QR code using just your camera app (hold it over the QR code and it will take you to that item on the bidding owl site). Place your bid.
This is a QR Code
Bidding will not be on Paper as it has been in the past. All bids will be via your mobile device or home computer/laptop.
There is NO APP to download. Just sign up on the Biddingowl.com website as a bidder!
If you'd rather donate money to the Silent Auction instead of bidding on items, you can click on the " DONATE NOW" button at the bottom of this page and follow the payment directions.
You can also "Fund a Need" buy donating money directly towards an item. Click HERE to go to the Fund A Need site.
All funds raised from the Silent Auction will be used by the PTA in support of the Peck Elementary community of students, teachers and staff, including but not limited to programs, materials (books and technology), and equipment.
Bidding on items at auction is only allowed for supporters that are associated with Peck Elementary. We reserve the right to delete bids from supporters that are not part of our community.
Any General donations or "Fund a Need" donations are welcome from anyone, whether you are affiliated with Peck or not.
These items were generously donated by donors in our Arvada and Denver community as well as several from outside of this local area. We greatly appreciate their support and hope you will, in turn, support them by giving them your business after the auction, whether you win the auction item or not.
6495 Carr St
Arvada , 80004
Thank you for your support!