Welcome to our Annual Online Auction.
We have always looked forward to a range of in-person events such as our Annual Gala & Auction, Annual Business Meeting, Open Houses showcasing Talents and Pursuits, the Annual Summer Picnic, among others.
Sadly, this will not be possible AGAIN this year. This will be our Another “UnEventFull” Year.
Starting on May 21, 2021 and running to July 30, 2021, auction packages will be available for individuals to bid on, with new packages being added to the catalogue every one to two weeks.
Bid on exciting packages in our Priceless, Luxuries, Adventure, New England, Cities & Towns, and Sweet Life Collections online throughout the summer.
This year, when you visit our Online Auction to consider the delightful packages available for bid, you will be able to register for a free entry to a drawing to win a Pandora’s Box valued at over $400. So, visit (and enter HERE) often. The drawing for the Pandora’s Box will be held Monday, August 2, 2021 and the winner will be contacted with the wonderful news then.
Pandora's Box
The name Pandora means all-gifts, and the Greek myth goes that the last thing to come out of Pandora’s Box was HOPE!
Do you want to know what is inside? Only the winner will know what we have conjured up to put in the box, but you can find out for yourself when you get home.
Total Value Over $400
Thank you to our wonderful Sponsors!
We care about The United Arc Sponsor
A hug for everyone at The United Arc Sponsor
Kinglsey Landscaping
Consider becoming a Sponsor of The United Arc
Promotion of our “UnEventFull” Year sponsors begins upon commitment. We offer the opportunity to commit for multiple sponsorships throughout the year resulting in year-round promotion. We will promote our sponsors on our website, social media platforms, monthly newsletters and other communications. All of us at The United Arc appreciate your support.
Visit our wonderful sponsors by clicking on their logos at the bottom of this page.
To donate an auction package or auction package items please contact Willow Ross at 413-774-5558, ext. 1011 or willowross@theunitedarc.org or Lynne Bielecki at 413-774-5558, ext. 1012 or lynnebielecki@theunitedarc.org. All donations of auction packages or auction package items are tax deductible.
Return to this screen by clicking The United Arc logo in the upper left corner, or click here to return to our main website. Donations accepted at http://theunitedarc.org/donations.html
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Thank you for your support!