Everyone's Original

A charity art exhibition to raise funds for Amelie, hosted by the International Unitarian Church of Prague

  Stop press: Two new canvases available by Dutch artist Anniek Verholt

Amelie has been providing psychosocial support to oncology patients and their relatives since 2008.

Amelie is the only organization in the Czech Republic, which systematically and professionally provides support to the target group. The organization is based in Prague, Central Bohemia region, Olomouc and Liberec region. Amelie offers individual and group advisory, therapeutic, relaxing, active and motivational activities that promote social integration of patients and their families – to help overcome social isolation in which the disease gets them and return them to an active life, or even to work if possible. The organization aims to create support Centres for cancer patients and their loved ones in each region of the country.

Our art exhibition is of donated canvases, some of which are here for online bidding. Others will be available for purchase from our exhibition, which is to be held at Unitaria, Anenska 5, Praha 1

Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th November, details http://www.pragueunitarians.com/art-event/

We look forward to welcoming you, or to receiving your bids for this excellent cause. Thank you.

Click the green View Items link above to see what we have to offer.


Anenska 5,
Prague ,

11/08/2018 5:00 PM

Have questions? Please contact us!

International Unitarian Church of Prague

Thank you for your support!

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