Our progress in the past year...
At Bayside Community Hall, our 2019-20 projects included full renovation of the community kitchen and fencing of the backyard. Both done! Next on the list... rehab our wood frame windows, reach out to potential partners for ongoing classes, events and projects, and establish a native garden in our backyard. More info about the hall can be found at baysidecommunityhall.org.
At Jacoby Creek Land Trust, we brought Caudal Fin Farm to the Kokte Ranch, developed educational programs including the Bayside Pollinator Project, Jacoby Creek Watershed Biological Inventory and citizen-driven moth surveys, and updated our beef sales, logo & website. More info about the Land Trust can be found at jclandtrust.org.
Together we put on the Bayside Makers Fair, bringing 60 artists to 3 outdoor locations for a day of shopping and community in the beautiful Jacoby Creek Valley.
We've done a lot but we've got lots more planned!
SO... Do some shopping, bid generously, and thank you for supporting us!
Thank you for your support!