Since its inception, Heroes In Transition (HIT) has placed an emphasis on not only supporting service members and veterans, but their loved ones. This year, we will highlight that aspect of our work at the 13th Annual Fall Gala.
Scheduled for Saturday, November 12 at The Coonamessett Inn on Gifford Street in Falmouth, the theme of this year’s event is “We Are Family,” celebrating the impact that HIT’s programs have on families through deployments, frequent relocations, and emergencies that arise from military service.
Click the "Ticket" below to purchase Individual tickets or Tables of 8 via credit card (includes processing fees). Checks may also be mailed to HIT.
Please be sure to include names and email addresses for each person you are registering.
If you are unable to attend but would like to support the Fall Gala, please consider making a donation.
Thank you for your support!