On July 19, 2013, a storm brought down a majestic silver maple tree on Laing Street in Toronto's Leslieville neighbourhood. This famed maple tree was the inspiration for the song "Maple Leaf Forever" by Alexander Muir, written in the year of Confederation 1867. The City of Toronto continues to preserve the historic legacy of this maple tree by working with the Green Living Show, Ontario Wood and LEAF on an exhibition and auction of unique pieces hand-crafted by local designers using wood from the tree.
Twelve beautiful designs have been selected to be exhibited at the Green Living Show from March 27-29, 2015. These unique pieces are being auctioned online with a portion of the proceeds going to support LEAF's urban forestry initiatives in Toronto. Starting bids reflect the value of the designer's time and materials to produce the piece plus a small amount to cover the cost of the auction.
You can view the designs and make your bids by clicking on the "Auction Items (12)" near the top left of this page (under the Browse Categories heading).
Each of the designs will be issued a Certificate of Authenticity confirming that the wood is from the Maple Leaf Forever Tree and a brass plaque with a unique serial number.
The auction closes March 29, 2015 at 5:00pm sharp.
Visit the LEAF site to see the story of the Maple Leaf Forever tree and media coverage of the tree and its wood.
Winning bidders will be responsible for picking up their items. Details to be provided. Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!