Our Bags Roc

A tote-ally awesome fundraiser for NeighborWorks® Rochester!

Join us online or in-person, it's going to be a lot of fun either way. We've got a wide variety of items donated by merchants, organizations and artists. Lots and lots of swag in in our "bag" auction to benefit the homeowner education programs, strategic lending, neighborhood revitalization and energy conservation services provided by NeighborWorks® Rochester throughout Monroe County and beyond. 

We hope you'll find it in your heart to be generous as we attempt to raise $5,000 so that we may be able to do even more for our community. 


NeighborWorks® Rochester

570 South Ave.
Rochester NY, 14620

6/05/2015 5:00 PM

Have questions? Please contact us!

NeighborWorks Rochester

Thank you for your support!

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