Welcome to the silent auction portion of our benefit for Johanna White! Thank you for joining us in loving Johanna with some financial support.
This auction is open for bidding starting Sunday, August 7th. It closes on Sunday, August 21st at 8:00 pm.
All bidding for this auction will take place online, even for bidders who place bids at the culminating live event on August 21st.
Therefore, anyone who cannot make it to the live event can still participate in the auction and place competitive bids to win desired items right up to the closing moment at 8:00 pm on August 21st.
We are certain you'll find something you will be pleased to have in exchange for helping out.
Thanks again, and Happy Bidding!
You can find full details about the Concert Benefit on August 21st @ www.helpjohannaheal.com.
You can also read more details about Johanna's challenge and progress on her GoFundMe page: www.gofundme.com/support-johanna.
97 Broadway
Kingston NY, 12401
Thank you for your support!