The watch party was a big success and we've been able to raise over $460 so far. But I think we can do more, which is why I'm adding another Eloy Jimenez autographed ball to the mix. Since there's no one on-site to coordinate, this one is going to run through Monday night. Good luck.
It's always fun to gather together to watch the Cubs, and it's even better if we can raise money for a worthy cause in the meantime. Evan Altman, Cubs Insider's founder/editor/lead writer, spent some time at Riley Hospital for Children when he was very young and he is now trying to do what he can to give back. This is just a small auction, two items, but the hope is that we can band together to make a difference. You will have the opportunity to bid on two autographed baseballs, one featuring Eloy Jimenez and one with Fergie Jenkins.
And if I could draw your attention to the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page, I've got a small request of you. It's certainly not a requisite, but I'd like to ask that you consider making a small freewill donation if you're not one of the winning bidders. It certainly doesn't have to be in the amount that you had bid, maybe just $5 or $10 or even $20. The link is tied directly to my PayPal account and I'm going to add every single penny donated to the rest of the funds raised through the auction and raffle. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Speaking of generosity, I must offer a huge thanks to Dale Miller and Miller Consulting Group for sponsoring this event and to Pat Breen and Cory Iwaszewski for their contributions. Each of these individuals went out of their way and asked for nothing in return. I am humbled by their generosity and their their desire to help others. Thank you.
Now bid away, Cubs fans, bid away.
Thank you for your support!