Acupuncture is a technique where very fine needles are inserted into specific points throughout the body. The purpose is to increase energy flow along various channels (meridians), thereby targeting a particular tissue, organ, or organ system. Each meridian point treats specific symptoms and disorders depending on your unique condition. Acupuncture is used to treat the underlying disharmony and focuses on both the root cause and symptoms manifested by the imbalance.
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To retrieve your winning items:
Items will be available for pick up at Polaris School and Centre, 1805 Gaspé Ave, Ottawa ON K1K 0A4 between 9am and 2pm on December 13, 14, and 15, 2023. If you can not retrieve your winning item at that time, please contact the office immediately following the auction at
For gift certificates, those that can will be emailed within 72hrs of the auction closing. If you did not receive an email, then your gift certificate is available for pick up at the office as per above.
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