Bayside Preserves #1

# 887338 Online Item

US $85.00 Retail Value
US $ 30.00 Opening Bid
US $ 6.00 Min. Bid Increment

Donated By:

Sue Moore


[BCH] These preserves are made of fruit harvested from a Jacoby Creek Road garden that uses only organic amendments, and those sparingly. This set includes: 16oz crabapple jelly, 16oz peach jam, 16oz blueberry jam, 16oz green tomato chutney, 12oz Indian spice chutney (with raisins, cloves and mustard seed) 12oz & 16oz blackberry jelly, & 2 16oz plum jam. That's 8-1/2 pints of local goodness!

Additional Information

Bayside Community Hall & Jacoby Creek Land Trust

Thank you for your support!