Ruana Style Wrap

# 112 Online Item

US $160.00 Retail Value
US $ 75.00 Opening Bid
US $ 5.00 Min. Bid Increment

Donated By:

Becky Dykstra


Hand knit Ruana Style Wrap Jacket is in earth tones with purples and blues accents. A one size fits most jacket it is 34" wide side seam to side seam and 20" long at center back. Yarns used are wool, nylon and mohair.

Hand made by OMP's Becky Dykstra

Note: Martha Myers is the actual bidder on this item. Becky made and generously donated it.

Additional Information

All items must be picked up by the winning bidder at the Peninsula Community Library in Traverse City Michigan during one of the pickup days/times below. Payment must be made at pickup with a check or the exact amount in cash.

Pickup items at the PCL carriage house:
Saturday April 17 2-4 pm
Monday April 19 430-6 pm

Friends of Peninsula Community Library

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