Choose from a wide selection of images or apply the value of your certificate to a larger print, canvas gallery wrap or wall grouping (over 1000 available). Image categories include landscapes, seacoast, still lives, architecture, flowers, city scenes and found objects.
Certificate must be registered by the winning bidder upon receipt. An appointment will be set up upon registration and the portfolio will be reviewed during a video meeting. Limit of one gift certificate from any Thomas Fallon company per patron or family per year. Certificate is non-transferable and must be used by the original purchaser. May not be combined with other offer or certificate. Subject to all studio policies.
All items will have 4.166% Hawaii tax added to the winning bid value. If you are unable to pick up your item at the PWF offices, your item will be shipped via USPS 3 day air, at no additional cost.
Thank you for your support!