Witch's Broom Lamp by Miles Keller

# 134260 Online Item

Priceless Retail Value
CAD $ 938.00 Opening Bid
CAD $ 75.00 Min. Bid Increment


Early Celtic pagans associated the traditional Witch's broom with fairies and wood sprites and as symbol of a balance of divine forces. Witch's broom also describes a common deformity found in trees. Typically a dense mass of twigs grows outward from a single point creating a structure that resembles a bird's nest.

This lamp speaks to both of these themes and the continual push-pull between equilibrium and unbalance in the natural world.... and our place in it. It is a cross section through the cycle of growth and decay in the forest floor, from earth to the canopy of branches overhead, that speaks to our complex relationship with the natural world.

Approximately 12"D X 72"H

Additional Information

The value of the items are priceless - you will be owning an important piece of Canadian heritage. Winning bidders will be responsible for picking up their items. Details to be provided. Thank you for your support!

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