If your organization is involved in non-profit auctions to support higher education causes, you need to have ways of promoting or creating awareness on your charity auctions. This is going to ensure that you get many donations as well as people who will come to bid or volunteer to help. Below are the best ways of promoting a non-profit auction whose role is to support colleges and universities.
The first way of promoting your non-profit auction is distribution flyers that have all the relevant information on the fundraising event dormitories, lecture halls, sports facilities and at the campus post office and any other public place.
Choose good venues within your campus or nearby town, which has information on the charity auction you are organizing. Include your URL, dates and venue of the auction. You could also do it online on your college website as well as on some of the best online auction websites such as Biddingowl.com.
You can also choose to create many posters and stick them on your college or university campus, nearby towns, restaurants, stores and sports grounds. The posters should announce the charity auction you are promoting.
Use your local TV station as well as your campus radio and broadcasting to promote your fundraising event.
Using a good email-managing tool, you should send weekly emails to students, alumni, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, to tell them about your charity auction. In the emails, request them to donate and bid. You could also send them notification on the status of the auction such as "Auction Coming Soon", "Auction Now Open", "Last Chance to Bid", etc
University and colleges often have public speaking and lecturing events. During such events, get permission from organizers and request the distinguished speakers or leaders to make announcements on your fundraising drives. Ensure the speaker mentions important details such as venue, date, items and some of the items on bids.
Another great way of promoting your non-profit auction even is setting up an information desk during events such as games, art and theatre, night classes or other function where people will gather. You could have volunteers to help you in staffing these desks, answer question and disseminate all the information that interested people might be having. They should tell people how they could bid or donate.
Carefully take inventory of all the events that are forthcoming in your college or university and during such events, make your announcement on your charity auction. You can target games and sporting events, exhibitions, just before lecturers or any other event you might be having. Consider also using community meetings to promote your fundraising events.
On your college or university website, share your charity auction link update. You could also post this link on the e-learning portal. In all these links, ensure the opt-in page the land on asks then to register or donate. This will help you gather emails of interested people.
You could also include your charity auction in the local newspapers so that the large local community can be aware of the auction. Designing your outstand postcards, flyers, t-shirts and banners can be a lot trouble if you do not know which partner to use. However, you can now take advantage of the Biddingowl printing and design services. As a leading non-profit online platform, we do much more which includes logo and website design. Call us not on 1.888.731.448 or send us an email via our email address print@biddingowl.com.