Finding the right volunteers for your non-profit charity auction can be a true struggle. Young, top tech talent is most likely busy working for corporate America. They enjoy generous paychecks and benefit package along with fun company perks. Non-profits struggle to compete, since they most likely are not able to accommodate the same.
This is where non profit charities need to find different ways to attract potential volunteers/employees.
These days, young professionals thrive on passion for mission. Making a difference for society is inspiring for many volunteers and the reason to give. Volunteers for non profit charities want to feel like they are part of something bigger. Doing good feels great to them and therefore volunteers don't mind making sacrifices.
Also try to make your non profit charity volunteers feel part of the project. They need to have the feeling that they are needed and not just used. Giving them responsibility for big chunks of a project, such as a non profit charity auction, makes them feel appreciated. Using BiddingOwl makes this task a little bit easier. Each volunteers can be given a separate user account that gives them access to certain part of the non profit charity auction process. Volunteers will have fun using the easy to use system.